martedì 5 aprile 2011

Open space games may protect children from short sightedness

New York: Researchers have demonstrated that when children play regularly in the open air than they will have fewer chances to be affected from short sightedness compared to children of the same age who prefer playing indoors.
Several studies have been conducted from the Optometry and Vision Science Journal and scientists have shown that children will have a better vision from distance if they will spend more time outdoor instead of staying indoor.
Reasons for this are still unclear but this happening, they believe, it is not related to the quality and quantity of exercises while the exposition to the sun light can play an important role
Moreover, staying outdoor kids are forced focusing on distant objects and, other studies carried out on animals, suggested that this may influence the development of the eye helping to prevent the beginning of the short sightedness.

By the way, the new researches haven’t still demonstrated how looking at close objects such as books or PCs may increase the development of this vision defect.

Dr. Jane Gwiazda e Li Deng of the New England College of Optometry of Boston have conducted a study with 13 years old children as the scientists wanted to check their sight during a period of time; 191 parents have answered a questionnaire where they reported the measured sight for their kids every year over a period of time.

The researchers have discovered that children with short sight usually spend around 8 hours outdoor in a week compared to children without vision defect spending approximately 13 hours.

Children with short sight also were prone to watch more TV while it hasn’t still found a relation between this sight defect with the time spent on reading, studying or using a PC.

In Austrialia and Singapore, other 2 independent studies have found a similar relation between time spent outdoor and reduced short sight problem.

Traduzione della D.ssa Ing. Amy Longo

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Nato a Castellana Grotte (BA) nel 1951 Laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia nel 1979 presso l’Università degli Studi di Parma Dal 1984 esercita la Professione di Medico di Medicina Generale in Casamassima (BA). Nel 1985 si iscrive al Corso Biennale di Omeopatia indetto nella Città di Bari dalle Scuole di Medicina Omeopatica “Mattioli-Palmieri” di Firenze, conseguendone l’Attestato nel 1987. Dal 1997 è attivo nell’informazione sulla integrazione alimentare da fonti naturali (e non da preparazioni chimico-farmaceutiche), quale supporto indispensabile al miglioramento e mantenimento dello stato di salute psico-fisico dell’individuo. Nel 2001 si avvicina allo studio e alla pratica delle tecniche di guarigione naturali del Reiki, percorrendone l’intero iter formativo fino alla qualifica di Usui Reiki Master, di Karuna Reiki® Master, e completando la formazione nelle tecniche giapponesi originali dell’Usui Ryoho Gakkai presso la Scuola Free Reiki® di Padova. Il lavoro di ricerca continua acquisendo la conoscenza di nuove tecniche fra cui EFT, Coaching, ed altre in via di sviluppo, sempre con l'obiettivo di ripristinare lo stato di benessere nelle persone che lo richiedono.

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