sabato 26 marzo 2011

Children’s feelings and adults’ rationality

The child and his family are going to the shopping center.
When the child notices a lovely toy car, he soon asks his dad: “Daddy may I have that toy car?”
The dad replies: “There’ no money”
The child thinks; “What kind of answer is this? Haven’t I asked for money? Maybe he was distracted from something else and he hasn’t paid attention on what I have said.
The child re-asks: “Dad, I want that toy car”
The dad re-answers: “I’ve already told you that there’s no money”
The child tries to clarify even more:” Dad, I haven’t’ asked for money, I want that toy car”.
The dad answers annoyed: “I’ve already told you that there’s no money. Shut up or I slap you!”

          “I’ve already told that there’s no money”. He slaps the guy and says: “Shut up!”

The child is now silent and starts crying! He’s puzzled as he does not understand what’s going on. What is the link between money and the toy car? He still hasn’t developed the sense for abstraction which is a rational quality.

He feels and recognizes what he wants.

When the child asks for something, it would be useful on answering with the same kind of “language”.
If the child wants a toy car and you cannot buy anything straightaway, better would be on telling him to be patient and he will have his car later on. The child can now understand it and he is calm.

An unreasonable and abstract refusal, if repeated, may cause problems to children and the way they will relate to the outside world or also within their own family.
Unawareness, he may develop a sense of powerlessness on achieving his targets because he will always aspect a refuse or a punishment and he will start thinking that the world is full of unfairness.

Who knows the Law of Attraction clearly understands that if a feeling of misery will become part of the personality than this will affect the child/future adult in many situations. Thus, he will become the victim of injustice. For example, at school he will be clever but a less clever class mate will gain better mark. Or, in a list, somebody below him will be moved above him.  Furthermore, in a relationship, he/she will desire somebody who is already involved in another relation.

Here are just small ideas for conscious parents!

To Bring up = To pay attention!

 Traduzione della D.ssa Ing. Amy Longo

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La mia foto
Nato a Castellana Grotte (BA) nel 1951 Laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia nel 1979 presso l’Università degli Studi di Parma Dal 1984 esercita la Professione di Medico di Medicina Generale in Casamassima (BA). Nel 1985 si iscrive al Corso Biennale di Omeopatia indetto nella Città di Bari dalle Scuole di Medicina Omeopatica “Mattioli-Palmieri” di Firenze, conseguendone l’Attestato nel 1987. Dal 1997 è attivo nell’informazione sulla integrazione alimentare da fonti naturali (e non da preparazioni chimico-farmaceutiche), quale supporto indispensabile al miglioramento e mantenimento dello stato di salute psico-fisico dell’individuo. Nel 2001 si avvicina allo studio e alla pratica delle tecniche di guarigione naturali del Reiki, percorrendone l’intero iter formativo fino alla qualifica di Usui Reiki Master, di Karuna Reiki® Master, e completando la formazione nelle tecniche giapponesi originali dell’Usui Ryoho Gakkai presso la Scuola Free Reiki® di Padova. Il lavoro di ricerca continua acquisendo la conoscenza di nuove tecniche fra cui EFT, Coaching, ed altre in via di sviluppo, sempre con l'obiettivo di ripristinare lo stato di benessere nelle persone che lo richiedono.

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